
Welcome to our BLOG

A Wrench In The Plan

Sometimes we get thrown a curve ball. Often in our work in South Africa, the unexpected happens. In those times, Kerry and I look at each other and say, “I didn’t see that coming!” We got thrown a curve ball in January. Zephaniah, our lead trainer, didn’t come back to work after the Christmas break. […]

Making a Compost Sifter

During the Christmas break, Dan built a compost sifter. If you’re making your own compost, it should be sifted before use to separate out the bits of branches that haven’t quite broken down. In the photo above, you can see that very simple materials can be used for a compost sifter. This pill can be […]

Our Future: Building a Network of Trainers

A part of our ministry philosophy is to always try to work ourselves out of a job. The main idea here is spiritual multiplication through intentional discipling: making disciples who make disciples. One of Dan’s disciples is Zephania Mbuyisa, whom he has been discipling for over three years through the work at Seed of Hope. Since I met Zeph, […]

Our Vehicle Theft Saga

One constant of our life in South Africa is that there are always challenges that we probably wouldn’t be dealing with if we were living in Canada. A few short weeks after our arrival back in South Africa following our Home Assignment, our car was stolen right out of a large parking lot of a […]

The Problem With Rats and Curses

We have learned quite a bit about Zulu culture and religious practice, and yet we often feel we know so little. Our day to day interactions are always influenced by Zulu culture, and we have had Zulu friends teach us about traditional belief and practice, but every once in a while, we experience it up […]

Planting the 4th Crop of Maize in Mdumezulu

The season of planting is consistently a highlight for us. Soil that has been properly cared for has been increasing in fertility and is literally pregnant with possibility. Add high quality seed at the right time, with sufficient moisture in the soil, and the result looks like a miracle – every time. We are excited […]

Back In South Africa

Our hearts are full of rich memories having visited with so many of you while in Canada for our 5 month Home Assignment, May – September. We were in many of your homes for a meal, and we are so grateful for your generosity in sharing of your lives with us, and for your partnership […]

Urban Exposure in Toronto

It’s been three years since setting foot in Canada and we knew there would be change. Still we found ourselves marvelling at the sheer scope of development in Ottawa and Toronto. In Toronto especially, massive high rises continue to go up and change the skyline dramatically. The city is a concrete jungle. As I looked […]

Farming God’s Way in Sarnia, Canada

Food is a foundational and basic human need. Without access to food, families find themselves in crisis mode and decisions made in crisis mode are never the best decisions. So often the thought is that hunger exists only in Africa, but access to food or the lack thereof affects Canadians as well. Thirteen percent of […]

A Tribute to Our Network of Friends

“I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.” ― Helen Keller It has become a significant realisation in these Canadian home assignment months, that we are not walking alone. In this BLOG we want to pay tribute to all the people who continue to be interested in us and […]