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Community Gardening Thriving in Calgary

We have discovered something wonderful in Wildwood! Dan spent a morning with a dear high school friend, Alison Laberge in her local community. Alison dreamt of starting a community garden in Wildwood, Calgary and worked with other community members to make that dream a reality. In the photos below, you can see what they have […]

Oh The Places You’ll Go!

When our son Jeremy was born, a few people gave some wise advice, “Cherish every moment because it goes by too quickly.” At the time we were surrounded by diapers, baby burp cloths and wet wipes… lots of wet wipes. That advice has come back to my heart these last months before Jeremy begins his […]

How It All Began…

2016 is the beginning of our 7th year in South Africa and it is also the year that we are due to return to North America in April for a 5 month home assignment. As we complete our second 3 year term in South Africa, some of you may be interested in the story of how […]

Championing A Holistic Approach to Farming

Canadian Foodgrains Bank has one, marvelous goal: a world without hunger. One of their endeavours is to work with front-line organizations to provide training in conservation agriculture to smallholder farmers all over Africa, particularly eastern and southern Africa. In February, CFGB held an Africa-wide networking workshop in Harare, Zimbabwe for project leaders and trainers from […]

A Farming God’s Way Field Day

Sometimes, seeing, really is believing. To walk alongside a field of 3.2m high maize and see the abundance of growth is awe inspiring in this season of drought. We wanted people to experience first hand how Farming God’s Way principles preserved our field this year. On Feb. 4, we had our first open field day […]

Children of Destiny

We are enjoying increasing our partnerships with people and organizations in the Greater Durban area. Working with people with the same passion is both encouraging and invigorating. In a Zulu township about 30 min drive a way, there is a Christian NGO called, “Children of Destiny at Home,” or CODAH. Their mission is to, “preserve […]

A Mngoma Family Christmas

We had a wonderfully Zulu Christmas at Girlie and Jabu Mngoma’s home. Girlie is Kerry’s Zulu language partner and teacher and a close friendship has developed between Bringing this solution with liquor or some kind of refreshment viagra levitra online will adverse affect your wellbeing? On the off chance that you are experiencing ED, […]

Gratitude For Fencing Funding

Over the last couple of seasons, we’ve had issues in the field with bush pig destroying areas of maize, especially at cob filling time. We’ve also had damage from neighbours’ goats and cattle. We’ve known we’ve needed a fence, but have lacked the funds to get it done. Well, thanks especially to some friends from […]

Field Scale Rural Farming for Our Third Year

Farming God’s Way is truly amazing. When a rural African farmer turns from conventional methods of plowing, winter burning and monocropping to Farming God’s Way, we can comfortably predict a 10 times yield increase in the first year! This really is the gospel — good news — with boots on! But the story doesn’t end […]

An Exciting Weekend of Concurrent Trainings

November 20/21 was huge for us. For the first time, Zeph and Dan split up and did concurrent trainings. Zeph went to his home town, Ingwavuma, near the Swaziland border. He did a 2-day introduction to Farming God’s Way there. It was attended by over 50 people, and by all accounts was very successful. We […]