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Perspectives on Missions and Community Development

Yesterday, we completed an intensive course examining the historical, theological and humanitarian bases for world evangelism, discipleship and community development. It’s been an incredible amount of work, involving around 600 pages of reading and interacting with some of the best research and examination of world missions, humanitarian aid and sustainable community development.

While the course required a great deal of time and work, it has been invaluable in giving us a wider perspective on what we’re going to be doing in South Africa. It’s been very affirming as well, in the sense that cultural sensitivity and leadership development are key to bringing hope to the Zulu people of Bhekulwandle.

It’s been affirming in another profound way. There seems to be a growing idea that the days of Western missionaries going to places like Africa, Asia and South America are over – that indigenous churches have been planted in every country on the planet, and now we just need to find leaders and ministries in those countries, and support them with Western dollars and euros.

We have found this perspective troubling on a number of levels. Part of the motivation behind this idea is some evidence that Western missionaries have, from time to time, caused as much (or more) damage as good to the people and the culture they are there to serve. The charge of cultural imperialism, although often exaggerated beyond the facts, is not without merit (an examination of European colonialism reveals this readily enough).

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Building the Kingdom across cultural boundaries seems to be an important aspect of the Great Commission:  Go into all the world… While it’s true that North America will see increasing numbers of missionaries from places like Africa, China and South Korea in Canada and the U.S. in the coming decades, we still have a role in bringing hope to places like South Africa which are in great need of the Church from many places to aid in racial reconciliation, advocate for freedom and justice, and bring physical healing in places becoming totally decimated through HIV/AIDS.

Obviously, an in depth examination of the issue is beyond the scope of a blog. At the end of the day, our personal choice to go is the result of a God who is, and who leads and guides through the Holy Spirit to bring hope and healing to a broken world. For us, it’s a question of obedience and we want to be found faithful.


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