Transitioning after 6 years of Sewing Mentoring

We’ve seen some amazing transformation in the sewing area at Seed of Hope. The bright red walls and inviting atmosphere are witnesses to the growth in the women and program. For the last 6 years Kerry has had the incredible privilege of working alongside Ernestina Hlophe to develop the program. A deep friendship has flourished […]

A Fashion Design Extravaganza

Africa is known for its vibrant fashion. Lovely prints, thick stiff cotton dresses, gorgeous head scarves, many of us would love to get in touch with our inner African and dress tribal. South Africa in particular is known for its Shwe Shwe cotton patterns and many local women value an original design dress to wear […]

Getting Up Everyday!

It is a beautiful, fresh July Saturday morning. The sky is blue and the sun is shining. I (Kerry) run through my checklist one last time, glance at the packed rear of our car, and reverse out of our driveway. I  always have a myriad of details going through my mind as I head off […]

Leaving The Nest and Needing Business Support

The sewing room at Seed of Hope has been a safe place and a sanctuary for women this past year. They have learnt new skills, developed confidence, shared each other’s burdens, and faced personal fears. Every new year, however, another group of our sewing students are ready to leave the nest and test their wings […]

Amadoda Bayabaleka (The Men Run Away)

As my zulu starts to get better I find that I can pick up pieces of conversation. It is not always helpful to catch small pieces because I often get the whole context of the conversation wrong. However, sometimes I do catch a tidbit that is helpful and it opens up some great connections. One […]

A Market With Heart

About six months ago, Ernestina and I were chatting about the sewing skills training program (video) at Seed of Hope. We wanted to find more local markets for our sewing products. Even while our sewing students are learning their craft, they are able to make some income on the products they sew while in the […]

The Sewing Room is Transformed

Everyday of the week, the sewing room at Seed Of Hope is a bustle of activity. Sometimes the humming of machines can be heard out in the hallways. Other times a quick glance into the room reveals a group of women leaning intently over some patterns and material. The enthusiasm within the room was always […]

Fair Trade?

For many years, I did not give much thought about where I bought my clothes. We were always on a tight budget and so I tried to get the best deal for the best price. Of late however, I have tried to challenge myself to think about where items that I’m purchasing are coming from […]