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Fitness Reflection Women

Reaching For a Love That Quiets our Fears

I often tell people that I wouldn’t be exercising regularly if I wasn’t teaching a Body and Soul aerobics class at Seed of Hope. I love everything about Body and Soul Aerobics. The cardio and strength training is exceptionally well choreographed with body mechanics factored in. We get exposed to resistance training and Pilates ensuring an all round work out. The choice of music turns a hour of exercise into a reflective and inspirational journey.

Mandisa, Thandeka and Mbali!
Mandisa, Thandeka and Mbali!

The theme for our music this term has been “Reach.” Listen to the chorus of our warm up song:

And You reach for me

With a love that quiets all my fears

And You reach for me

Like a Father wipes away the tears


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The squat song was a killer.
The squat song was a killer.

At the end of every class, in the quiet after our stretch, we close our eyes and think about what we are reaching for in our lives. It is amazing how after 55 minutes of workout, one’s mind seems clearer and more in tune with God. His love can quiet all our fears. We’ve talked about reaching for God, reaching within our selves for growth in character and reaching outward in love to others. It has been a rich journey and we are fitter as well! The squat song in particular this term was a killer!

A few of us from the Bhekulwandle class took a road trip to attend the Body and Soul aerobics class in Kwadabeka (photos). It is led by an instructor name Makhosi Zondo. I think all of us were inspired by Makhosi’s confidence and fitness levels. What was so amazing was doing the same “Reach” songs with a new set of friends and fitness women. There are other classes in the Durban area and some classes in Cape Town. There are also classes in Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Kenya… we’ve all been doing the “Reach” routine. We’ve all been reaching for more in our lives and it is good!

Field trip to Kwadabeka.
Field trip to Kwadabeka.

Now that we are about 3/4 of the way through the year, I took the time to tally how many aerobics classes we have run. The total was 72. We have run 72 classes of cardio and strength training this year. That equates to 2,520 minutes of cardio, and 1,440 minutes of strength training.  In total 30 women have attended regularly. When I add up their total number of class hours it comes to 720 class hours to date this year. This number completely amazes me. Women are wanting to get fit in Bhekulwandle! Our top attenders are Mandisa with 69 classes, Thandeka with 60 classes, Smangele with 54 classes, Mbali with 54 classes. I feel so privileged that these ladies would choose to exercise with me. I am not a fitness buff, and I am not very sporty, but together we have fun and we build endurance, muscle strength, flexibility, and bone density. We also inspire each other to grow spiritually. Now I am hoping that a few of them will accept the baton to become instructors themselves. I would love to see us increasing the number of classes we offer.

So we will continue “reaching” for the goal placed before us. If you have never enjoyed exercising you should check us out. If a non exerciser like me can do it, then you can too!

We continue reaching!
We continue reaching!


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