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The Gift of “Grace.”

The funeral tent outside of Grace's home.
The funeral tent outside of Grace’s home.

The community of Bhekulwandle celebrated the life of Grace Shozi on October 19. A blue and white tent was set up for her funeral outside the window of her bedroom where she spent the last year and a half of her life, blind and bedridden.  The funeral tent full of people was such a contrast to the loneliness with which she spent her last days. Because of family tensions and conflicts, she was left alone and abandoned. Thankfully, she was not abandoned by everyone. Our amazing Seed of Hope health team were able to visit her regularly in her last days and they spent many hours advocating for her care in her very frail state.

To some, Grace was a burden. But to me she was a gift. After her leg amputation about three years ago she was left in a dependent state. She would have been in her early 80’s then, and try as she did to get around with just one leg, she became weaker and weaker. We did everything we could to fit her with a prosthetic leg but the health system failed her with months of red tape and bureaucracy.  There were a few neighbours who tried to bring food once in a while to help, but there were many days where she went without anything.

Dear sweet, feisty Gogo Grace.
Dear sweet, feisty Gogo Grace.

I had the chance to drive Grace to the hospital for her prosthetics appointments. Her personality shone through even in her difficulties. She was a feisty, spirited woman and I was amazed how she managed to keep her will to live even when life was so hard on her. There was a strength in her eyes that touched me deeply. She also loved to laugh.

Her family should have been there for her… maybe Grace pushed them away. We don’t actually know all of the story and we are not to judge. Grace was someone’s mother and grandmother. They alone will have to answer for their choices and responses. I do know however that Grace was on a spiritual journey through all her suffering. I saw a budding faith in God appear in the time I knew her. Perhaps, in those lonely moments she spent her time reaching out to the one who would never abandon her.

The gift of grace was so evident in and around Grace’s life:

  • The grace of SOH workers, Buli and Jabu in their visits was incredible.  They often gave at a great emotional cost to themselves.
  • The grace of other neighbours who chose to see an ailing old women and respond to her need.
  • The grace that no one is ever alone in their suffering. God is close to the brokenhearted.
  • The grace of friendship was given to me by this lovely, leather skinned woman. We journeyed together for a short moment in our lives and it changed us both.

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Gogo Grace, you will be missed because you were a special light in my life that I will never forget.


Gallery Photos below taken by Donna Provencal. Thanks Donna!

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