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Discipleship Through Agriculture


We are often asked by students in our training classes, “Why can’t you just focus on agriculture skills?” Dan’s most common answer to that question is, “Skills are not enough. If I just teach you the agriculture skills, you will fail.” Farming God’s Way includes an understanding of working with God’s creation as well as teaching management skills and character virtues. At our most recent training in Embo Township with City Hill Church, Kerry gave a case study.

There were a group of women who had spent 2 years in sewing training and upon completion of the training they opened up a coop at the local community hall. In the first week of their enterprise, a local sangoma (witchdoctor) came to visit them. She did not have conciliatory purposes. She spoke directly to the seamstresses and placed a curse on their business. “You will never be successful!”

Kerry then posed a question to everyone in the room, “What would you do, if a sangoma visited your field and cursed it?”

Unless we address beliefs and mindsets, it will be very easy for people to get discouraged at the first sign of opposition. So we take a lot of time in Farming God’s Way talking about traditional worldviews. South Africans for the most part don’t have to be convinced that there is a spirituality to life. They have seen curses in action and they live with a great degree of fear.

This exact interaction happened at a recent training at Embo City Hill Church. Dan had spent a long time discussing with the group the financial impact of consulting sangomas for wisdom in decisions. Not only are people financially robbed, but they are also mentally and spiritually robbed of their peace and confidence. It is of paramount importance that we introduce them to a loving God, who is intent on working for them to bring a life of fulfillment and blessing.

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Tackling these difficult topics with a group of people often creates a close bond. It may take a few interactions for people to begin to be willing to face their fears and superstitions, but being authentic and genuine in facilitating discussions builds trust. We are then able to move on to the more practical components of the training, now with a friendly camaraderie.

The practical component of our training is where all the theory and concepts come together. It is a rich time of people visibly experiencing what they can reproduce on their own land and in their own gardens. At the City Hill Embo Church 3 day training, our focus was on vegetable and nutrition gardening.

To see a completed set of vegetable beds arise out of nothing is a rewarding experience for participants and we encourage them to now replicate what they have learned at home. We hope to be back at Embo Church and will remain in contact to be able to resource anyone who shows some interest. Finally, we are praying for a leader to be raised up, who will become the trainer in that area. Lots to dream about…

2 Comment

  1. Mercy sakes alive you certainly have your days filled with doing so much in showing the people how to plant things in order to have some vegetables and food, etc., which helps the people there to realize
    how to grow plants and vegetables for their own to enjoy eating, etc. and become “independent” which
    is so good for them!! You are doing an exceptional job and am sure the Lord will “BLESS YOUR EFFORTS”
    Lydia C.

    1. So lovely to hear from you Lydia. We do love being involved in so many green activities. Thanks so much for your encouragement. We couldn’t be here without people like you. Missing you lots and hoping for a tea date in the future.

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